Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Happy, happy due date!

"It's my due date and I'll cry if I want too, cry if I want to, cry if I want to..."

Not my song. Ansley's song. Though, quite honestly, there haven't been too many cries. Gurgles, yes. Currently actually.

It has been a long ride. I can admit that I remember taking that test in February. I remember anxiously waiting to see if that second line to appear. Ok, I won't lie. Apparently, you can be "really" pregnant. Cause the two minutes you are supposed to wait for the pregnancy test results was really only about two seconds. Yup, I was "really" pregnant.

The double lines were met with a "That's awesome!" from my hubby, and a "Goodness gracious, how did this happen?" Ok, done laughing? Of course I know how it happened. Are you kidding me? I'm an abstinence educator. I teach kids about sex. What I meant was, "Why did this happen? And why now?"

You see, I had only been at this job for six weeks. Surprise! I'm pregnant! I'll need time off in nine months. The other issue: it had only been seven months since I had a miscarriage. I would not wish that on anyone. Ever. Period. But, with another pregnancy came the risk of another miscarriage.

But, I made it. I made it to this day, October 27. And, I have a beautiful and healthy baby girl. When I should have been at a 40 week check-up for me, I was at an appointment for Ansley. Which, fyi, not fun watching your kid squall from a shot. I don't suggest it. Keep the head turned.

Her arrival proved one thing to me. She certainly takes after her father. I have enough trouble being on time. She makes her daddy proud. She was early.

So, we celebrate. We celebrate her arrival, no matter the date. We will celebrate every day, because every day is a gift, and mine was not belated.

Happy Due Date to us!

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