Thursday, November 18, 2010

Something is Coming Between Us

Me and the hubs, that is.

And it has light brown hair, blue eyes, an occasional snotty nose and is really stinkin' cute.

But I don't like it.  Because I like snuggling with my hubs.

Ansley goes down for bed just fine. Beautifully, actually. And she sleeps for about 4 hours. But between midnight and 1 a.m., something really weird happens.  She wakes up and starts crying. When I go in to comfort her, she's fine as long as I'm rocking her or bouncing her. But, even if she's sound asleep, as soon as I put her back in her crib, she wakes up. And then, it's like a little demon had joined us.

A few nights, we've decided to let her work it out on her own. Clean diaper, refusing milk, snuggled warmly, binkie and bear handy... but... no.  A few nights ago, she screamed for ONE HOUR. One hour of pure torture for a momma who wanted to go scoop up her little girl.  And after that hour, we still had to go calm her down.  And, she ended up in our bed.

Last night? The hubs and I slept back to back. And the kiddo was in the middle.  Not cool.

I love my kiddo. Dearly. But seriously, our bedroom is for us! The hubs and I have to fight for the time that we do get together, and 8 of those 10 hours a day are from 12 a.m. to 8 a.m.

I hoping this is just because she's teething. I hope so much, and pray that she isn't getting too attached to sleeping in the big bed, or on the couch with mommy, or in the recliner with mommy. Because those are all places we've had to sleep in the last few weeks.

All while the hubs slumbers soundly (normally) in the nice, comfy bed.  We paid far too much for our mattress for me not to use it.

Maybe that's the problem.  Do they make pillowtop crib mattresses?

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