And, you know what experienced mommy bloggers do? Giveaways. You know what inexperienced mommy bloggers do? Enter those giveaways.
This isn't the first time I've entered a giveaway, or the first time I blogged about one. But, dude, you get an extra entry! And, when it comes to free stuff, why not take a few minutes to type up a little announcement about the giveaway (though, now that I think about it, is one extra entry worth all of you that may hop over and get your own 8 entries...hmm...)
Anywho, have you ever seen those super chic mommas that have a stroller that turns heads? Not simply a travel system, but the kind where they can simply push a button and the whole things unfolds like one of those self-inflating rafts?
Yeah. This is for one of those!

Look at this, in all of it's beauty! It's a Phil and Ted Explorer! Though the pic is shown as a double, it doesn't have to be! And, it comes with an infant carrier adapter, so it's a travel system! Is it not SO.STINKIN'.COOL?
I love my current umbrella stroller, but the sun shade isn't big enough to protect my little kiddo's baby skin. And this one? Look at that shade!
Listen. All the cool kids are doing it. You know you want to. So, hop over to cupcakeMAG for Littles and check it out. Enter if you must. And, hey, if you don't have a kiddo, maybe one day you will, or maybe you are a reader of this blog and you are deeply connected to a little girl named Ansley and you think she needs this. Just sayin'.
Check back for some other awesome giveaways (not by me, but by another read. I'm going to tell you about them and I won't even get an extra entry. Yeah, I share.)
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