Ok, this week, I'm gonna hit it hard. I have several posts I'm working on, and, of course, I've got to slap some Christmas photos on here.
But, at the moment, I'm still out of town with family. We're heading back soon. Though will miss this special time we've had, Ansley and I both miss Paul (who was unable to spend more than Christmas day with us), and we miss our beds, and I'm sure Ansley misses the puppies. Ok, so maybe that's me, but I think it's probably more socially acceptable if I say she misses them.
We hope you all had a blessed Christmas, and look forward to sharing ours with you!
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
A Sparkle
So, for those of you that are just sitting on the edge of your seats wondering what is going on, I think I'll give you just a sneak peek just to shed a little light on recent circumstances.
Basically, I've just been overwhelmed. But, what it really comes down to is that I'm selfish and things haven't been simple, and so I've felt overwhelmed.
For instance, after 13 months sans toothers, the kiddo has decided to get them. ALL.AT.ONCE. Which leaves me wondering why Dante never mentioned this as the 11th circle of hell. My conclusion? He obviously was without children, because if he were to have them, he certainly would have included additional circles. Forget the thieves and murders. That circle is nothin'. Come visit teething, INSANE diaper rash, irritability, lack of sleep and learning the word no, then come talk to me, m'kay?
I've had a bad attitude at work, and of course, it has lasting consequences. Top that off with a not-so-wonderful employee review, and I've not wanted to be there.
And, I'm really not doing well with the hubs working 2nd shift.Luckily, Hopefully, the hubs will be moving to first shift in a few short months. I know that it means that Ansley will be with a sitter more than she is now, but I really think it will be a major improvement for our family.
And, the last stress? I totally brought upon myself. I thought it would be a great idea to MAKE presents for Christmas. Which would be, if I started more than two weeks ago. And, I'm just not finished. And, honestly, I get home and just decide to crash, er... play with the kiddo for a few hours before bedtime. Except this week, which I've opted to spend those after-work hours with my sis and brother-in-law. Totally worth it (hopefully she'll agree when she gets an unfinished Christmas present).
But, there has been a silver lining. I'll share just a sneak peek, and I'm planning a review VERY soon (if I was a cool person, I would say that I had a giveaway to go with the review, but I'm just not that awesome).
So, behold. The glory of Modern Bird Studios:

GAH!! Is that not pee-your-pants beautiful??? For those that care, please don't think I neglected your opinions on photos. I sent several pics for Greg (the artist hand of MBS) to work with, and this one was the finished product. ::Squee!!!::
Basically, I've just been overwhelmed. But, what it really comes down to is that I'm selfish and things haven't been simple, and so I've felt overwhelmed.
For instance, after 13 months sans toothers, the kiddo has decided to get them. ALL.AT.ONCE. Which leaves me wondering why Dante never mentioned this as the 11th circle of hell. My conclusion? He obviously was without children, because if he were to have them, he certainly would have included additional circles. Forget the thieves and murders. That circle is nothin'. Come visit teething, INSANE diaper rash, irritability, lack of sleep and learning the word no, then come talk to me, m'kay?
I've had a bad attitude at work, and of course, it has lasting consequences. Top that off with a not-so-wonderful employee review, and I've not wanted to be there.
And, I'm really not doing well with the hubs working 2nd shift.
And, the last stress? I totally brought upon myself. I thought it would be a great idea to MAKE presents for Christmas. Which would be, if I started more than two weeks ago. And, I'm just not finished. And, honestly, I get home and just decide to crash, er... play with the kiddo for a few hours before bedtime. Except this week, which I've opted to spend those after-work hours with my sis and brother-in-law. Totally worth it (hopefully she'll agree when she gets an unfinished Christmas present).
But, there has been a silver lining. I'll share just a sneak peek, and I'm planning a review VERY soon (if I was a cool person, I would say that I had a giveaway to go with the review, but I'm just not that awesome).
So, behold. The glory of Modern Bird Studios:
GAH!! Is that not pee-your-pants beautiful??? For those that care, please don't think I neglected your opinions on photos. I sent several pics for Greg (the artist hand of MBS) to work with, and this one was the finished product. ::Squee!!!::
Monday, December 20, 2010
I'll be back, I promise. But right now, there's just so much going on, I'm struggling to deal appropriately. Christmas, work, a short visit with my dear sister and lack of quality time with the hubs have sent me into a bit of a headspin.
Interestingly enough, it was just about this time last year that I was overwhelmed with anxiety.
So, if you pray, do so, and if you have some extra puppies and rainbows available, I would appreciate those as well.
Interestingly enough, it was just about this time last year that I was overwhelmed with anxiety.
So, if you pray, do so, and if you have some extra puppies and rainbows available, I would appreciate those as well.
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Friday, December 17, 2010
I'm a sneak
Ok. This is truly a confession. Specifically because I KNOW I have family members who read this blog, and it may totally change your opinion of me.
I'm a snooper. AKA, I like to locate my gifts.
Before I was engaged, I found the receipt for my engagement ring. Hmm. This meant that when the now-hubs and I were in Maine for fall break and I had a feeling he was planning on proposing, I took a quick sneak to see if I could find the ring.
I didn't. But I did try.
And, if I have a gift under the tree, I'm a shaker and squeezer. But, then again, the hubs bought me a throw blanket last year and didn't put it in a box. That's practically a gimme.
I would like to point out that I currently know the location of my Christmas gift. HOWEVER, I have NOT peeked. And I've only thought about it once. Ok, maybe twice. BUT I HAVEN'T LOOKED.
One time when I was younger, I knew a gift under the tree to be a movie that I specifically requested from my grandmother (she is so by-the-list when it comes to Christmas gifts). I had a friend over and wanted to watch the movie. So I opened it, watched it, and rewrapped it.
Pretty sure Santa opted not to come that year.
I'm a snooper. AKA, I like to locate my gifts.
Before I was engaged, I found the receipt for my engagement ring. Hmm. This meant that when the now-hubs and I were in Maine for fall break and I had a feeling he was planning on proposing, I took a quick sneak to see if I could find the ring.
I didn't. But I did try.
And, if I have a gift under the tree, I'm a shaker and squeezer. But, then again, the hubs bought me a throw blanket last year and didn't put it in a box. That's practically a gimme.
I would like to point out that I currently know the location of my Christmas gift. HOWEVER, I have NOT peeked. And I've only thought about it once. Ok, maybe twice. BUT I HAVEN'T LOOKED.
One time when I was younger, I knew a gift under the tree to be a movie that I specifically requested from my grandmother (she is so by-the-list when it comes to Christmas gifts). I had a friend over and wanted to watch the movie. So I opened it, watched it, and rewrapped it.
Pretty sure Santa opted not to come that year.
Monday, December 13, 2010
Did we Step Out?
Oh yes we did. And we sure had a wonderful time.
On Saturday, the kiddo and I hit up a fabulous Christmas party. A volunteer worker at our office treated us to a homemade Italian dinner. When I say "homemade," I don't mean my type of "homemade."
You know, Ragu Spaghetti Sauce with mushrooms ::check::
Angel hair pasta ::check::
Loaf of Italian bread ::check::
However, I do add an extra can of Italian diced tomatoes, because we like our sauce chunky (that sounds so weird in every possible way). Does that count for anything?
Nope. I mean, homemade to the bare basics! They made the noodles themselves! And, homemade bread! To.Die.For. (Ok, so I understand. Technically, for it to be entirely homemade, they would probably need to have grown the wheat, milked the cow for the cheese, mashed the tomatoes, and all that other jazz. But, seriously, making the noodles is more than I can even think about doing.)
Anywho, no pic, because the only pics I can take of me with the kiddo are those middle-school-hold-out-your-cell-phone-style. And that just isn't cutting it anymore. I have a super nice camera, and it is only fair that I use it.
Besides, Ansley wore the same dress she wore to last week's party. Different party + different people = same dress. When you paid as much as I did for a dress, you got to squeeze it for all it is worth. In fact, I normally don't let the kid feed herself if she is wearing it. I'm a little OCD.
The hubs laughs at me because Ansley has SO many clothes, yet I seem to dress her in the same stuff. I wore my knee-high boots, which I ADORE, but are a few years old and may be on their last leg, er... heel. I toped it off with a dark wash demin skirt that I scored at Goody's before they busted, a red simple t-shirt from American Eagle and a white pull-over sweater. Festive, no?
So, here's the thing. We're going out of town in a few days, and I'll be sure to get some pics. At least of the kiddo. And, maybe I'll store up for my SOS posts.
Is that even fair?
On Saturday, the kiddo and I hit up a fabulous Christmas party. A volunteer worker at our office treated us to a homemade Italian dinner. When I say "homemade," I don't mean my type of "homemade."
You know, Ragu Spaghetti Sauce with mushrooms ::check::
Angel hair pasta ::check::
Loaf of Italian bread ::check::
However, I do add an extra can of Italian diced tomatoes, because we like our sauce chunky (that sounds so weird in every possible way). Does that count for anything?
Nope. I mean, homemade to the bare basics! They made the noodles themselves! And, homemade bread! To.Die.For. (Ok, so I understand. Technically, for it to be entirely homemade, they would probably need to have grown the wheat, milked the cow for the cheese, mashed the tomatoes, and all that other jazz. But, seriously, making the noodles is more than I can even think about doing.)
Anywho, no pic, because the only pics I can take of me with the kiddo are those middle-school-hold-out-your-cell-phone-style. And that just isn't cutting it anymore. I have a super nice camera, and it is only fair that I use it.
Besides, Ansley wore the same dress she wore to last week's party. Different party + different people = same dress. When you paid as much as I did for a dress, you got to squeeze it for all it is worth. In fact, I normally don't let the kid feed herself if she is wearing it. I'm a little OCD.
The hubs laughs at me because Ansley has SO many clothes, yet I seem to dress her in the same stuff. I wore my knee-high boots, which I ADORE, but are a few years old and may be on their last leg, er... heel. I toped it off with a dark wash demin skirt that I scored at Goody's before they busted, a red simple t-shirt from American Eagle and a white pull-over sweater. Festive, no?
So, here's the thing. We're going out of town in a few days, and I'll be sure to get some pics. At least of the kiddo. And, maybe I'll store up for my SOS posts.
Is that even fair?
Friday, December 10, 2010
Please don't unfriend me.
I play games on facebook.
Not like the scrabble or boggle games. But those really annoying games that post stuff to the news feeds. Yup. I'm talking about Farmville. And Frontierville.
In my defense, I try to only post things to my profile once (if that much) a day, and typically will only do 3 so it groups them and only one shows on the wall.
Whew. I'm glad that's out there.
Not like the scrabble or boggle games. But those really annoying games that post stuff to the news feeds. Yup. I'm talking about Farmville. And Frontierville.
In my defense, I try to only post things to my profile once (if that much) a day, and typically will only do 3 so it groups them and only one shows on the wall.
Whew. I'm glad that's out there.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I'm waning. Like, seriously. I'm running out of words. Out of stories. Out of time.
I LOVE to write. By far, one of my favorite things to do. I wasn't a stellar news reporter, but I got to be pretty good at writing stories. My only problem was that many times, I wasn't too interested in what I had to write about. And, I think that's what makes a good writer: the ability to write a comprehensive, interesting story in something you yourself are not at all interested in.
Like a goat. That has 4 babies. Apparently, that is a rarity. And me traveling about 45 minutes to snap some pics and write a feature? Also a rarity. But it did happen.
I've also written stories about accidents that have killed toddlers, schools that are over crowded, students that hang out with senior citizens and dozens about a small local town whose board meetings are full of so much drama they are only rivaled by a good episode of Jerry Springer.
But even with years of training in writing, and a mind full of thoughts, sometimes it's just hard to put something one paper, er..., the computer screen.
We all have those days. Some of us seem to have those months. Just a few minutes ago, I was checking through my blogger feed and noticed many that haven't been updated in months. Some good reads, that I'm left wondering, "I wonder what's going on with that kid."
And, I ask myself, "I wonder when life will become too much for me that I can't find the time and sit to write. To share in some of the laughs, and just to vent about what's going on."
I know that this blog isn't a regular read to many, but it is to a few (hi Mom, Crystal and Amanda!). And it's a way for family, spread all across the nation, to keep up, since I'm so horribly a failure at communicating via phone. And, sometimes, the humor and wit comes out, but other times, there's a lull.
But that doesn't at all mean that I'm giving it up. So, unless you no longer see my blog in your feed, I'm still around. Because when I'm done, this will be too.
P.S.- I had to go back and edit this post several times because I kept calling the blog feed the "feeder." And those sentences just seemed weird.
I LOVE to write. By far, one of my favorite things to do. I wasn't a stellar news reporter, but I got to be pretty good at writing stories. My only problem was that many times, I wasn't too interested in what I had to write about. And, I think that's what makes a good writer: the ability to write a comprehensive, interesting story in something you yourself are not at all interested in.
Like a goat. That has 4 babies. Apparently, that is a rarity. And me traveling about 45 minutes to snap some pics and write a feature? Also a rarity. But it did happen.
I've also written stories about accidents that have killed toddlers, schools that are over crowded, students that hang out with senior citizens and dozens about a small local town whose board meetings are full of so much drama they are only rivaled by a good episode of Jerry Springer.
But even with years of training in writing, and a mind full of thoughts, sometimes it's just hard to put something one paper, er..., the computer screen.
We all have those days. Some of us seem to have those months. Just a few minutes ago, I was checking through my blogger feed and noticed many that haven't been updated in months. Some good reads, that I'm left wondering, "I wonder what's going on with that kid."
And, I ask myself, "I wonder when life will become too much for me that I can't find the time and sit to write. To share in some of the laughs, and just to vent about what's going on."
I know that this blog isn't a regular read to many, but it is to a few (hi Mom, Crystal and Amanda!). And it's a way for family, spread all across the nation, to keep up, since I'm so horribly a failure at communicating via phone. And, sometimes, the humor and wit comes out, but other times, there's a lull.
But that doesn't at all mean that I'm giving it up. So, unless you no longer see my blog in your feed, I'm still around. Because when I'm done, this will be too.
P.S.- I had to go back and edit this post several times because I kept calling the blog feed the "feeder." And those sentences just seemed weird.
We stepped out. Twice!
I hate pictures of myself. Have I said that enough? But, oh wells. Here goes.
Sweater dress from Baby Gap
red tights from Old Navy
Black shoes, thrifted
Here's a better look at her dress

I love this dress!
On the Momma:
Cardigan, Old Navy
Three-quarter boat neck top, Um, yeah, Old Navy
Saturday Ansley and I took a trip to the in-laws for a baby shower. It meant 4-hours round trip, but it was worth it. Ansley seemed to have fun with her cousins. She doesn't get a lot of time with kiddos around her age, so it was pretty cool to see her interacting with other kids.
We also enjoyed a day out on Sunday:

Heart-print corduroy dress, Old Navy Brand, thrifted
pink tights, Target
Scarf, ages old (I'm talking, high school old)
Sweater, Aeropostale
Tank, JC Penny
Jeans, Aeropostale
Sunday was actually a pretty lazy day, but I opted for a picture cause we've missed a few SOS posts.
And, honestly? I'm running low on inspiration as of late. Maybe it's the holidays, and all the hustle that comes with it. Who knows.
Happy Monday!
Sweater dress from Baby Gap
red tights from Old Navy
Black shoes, thrifted
Here's a better look at her dress
I love this dress!
On the Momma:
Cardigan, Old Navy
Three-quarter boat neck top, Um, yeah, Old Navy
Saturday Ansley and I took a trip to the in-laws for a baby shower. It meant 4-hours round trip, but it was worth it. Ansley seemed to have fun with her cousins. She doesn't get a lot of time with kiddos around her age, so it was pretty cool to see her interacting with other kids.
We also enjoyed a day out on Sunday:
Heart-print corduroy dress, Old Navy Brand, thrifted
pink tights, Target
Scarf, ages old (I'm talking, high school old)
Sweater, Aeropostale
Tank, JC Penny
Jeans, Aeropostale
Sunday was actually a pretty lazy day, but I opted for a picture cause we've missed a few SOS posts.
And, honestly? I'm running low on inspiration as of late. Maybe it's the holidays, and all the hustle that comes with it. Who knows.
Happy Monday!
Friday, December 3, 2010
My confession.
Whatcha think? Three posts in one day???
Ah, the miracle of scheduling posts! ;o)
Ok, so, here's my Flame-Free Friday Confession.
I am often cramped for time around dinner, and my kiddo eats like a machine. So, I frequently serve her a healthy meal of....
Chef Boyardee and bananas.
Were're talking, like, three nights a week.
It's her favorite. This has to qualify for the "How-can-you-let-your-child-eat-THAT-so-much" award.
I'm ready for my acceptance speech.
Ah, the miracle of scheduling posts! ;o)
Ok, so, here's my Flame-Free Friday Confession.
I am often cramped for time around dinner, and my kiddo eats like a machine. So, I frequently serve her a healthy meal of....
Chef Boyardee and bananas.
Were're talking, like, three nights a week.
It's her favorite. This has to qualify for the "How-can-you-let-your-child-eat-THAT-so-much" award.
I'm ready for my acceptance speech.
I'm a trend setter.
I just know it.
So, I'm starting a little somethin' new. Join if you like, laugh if you choose, but just don't flame.
Back when I was on The Bump tri boards, and this whole mommy-blog business of mine got started, I used to LOVE Fridays.
For those of you who may have frequented The Bump, you know that most of the time, it was full of snark. Whether it was the girl who made herself vomit over consuming a fingernail-full of feta cheese while pregnant, the girl who felt conception happen, OR, the lovely girl that wondered if she should take birth control while pregnant because she didn't want to end up with a set of Irish twins (wow, I can remember nearly peeing myself with laughter each time these girls posted!), we all dished out the snark, whether on the interwebs or in our minds.
However, Fridays were a time of confession. Flame-free confession. I loved logging on first thing and finding the thread. It could keep me busy all day. Some of the confessions were funny (um, I'm still in my PJs...from three days ago), and some were a little more serious (I'm really mad because...). The point was it was a place to vent, to laugh, or simply to confess.
I've decided that Fridays on my blog will rehash the FFFC. As I said, join if you like. But, seriously, if you are going to play, link up!
So, I'm starting a little somethin' new. Join if you like, laugh if you choose, but just don't flame.
Back when I was on The Bump tri boards, and this whole mommy-blog business of mine got started, I used to LOVE Fridays.
For those of you who may have frequented The Bump, you know that most of the time, it was full of snark. Whether it was the girl who made herself vomit over consuming a fingernail-full of feta cheese while pregnant, the girl who felt conception happen, OR, the lovely girl that wondered if she should take birth control while pregnant because she didn't want to end up with a set of Irish twins (wow, I can remember nearly peeing myself with laughter each time these girls posted!), we all dished out the snark, whether on the interwebs or in our minds.
However, Fridays were a time of confession. Flame-free confession. I loved logging on first thing and finding the thread. It could keep me busy all day. Some of the confessions were funny (um, I'm still in my PJs...from three days ago), and some were a little more serious (I'm really mad because...). The point was it was a place to vent, to laugh, or simply to confess.
I've decided that Fridays on my blog will rehash the FFFC. As I said, join if you like. But, seriously, if you are going to play, link up!
What is happening to me?
Ya'll, I've got it. Bad.
Before I start the post (I guess, technically, it's already started, but, just go with it), I should probably throw out a disclaimer. I love where I am right now in life. I love my husband more than the average high schooler is in love with Lil Wayne or Ke$ha (seriously? Ke$ha???). My daughter is a barrel on monkeys, and so much more fun. But...
So last night, we were busting out the Christmas decorations. I LOVE this time of the year (even if Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I refuse to move on to Christmas until the wishbone has been snapped and the football played, I LOVE this time of year). But, it wasn't cheerful. It wasn't full of our traditional "Elf" followed by rockin' some Christmas tunes, all while sprinkling holiday cheer all throughout the house, including the back of the toilet (yeah, that's right. If you're gonna sit on my toilet, you're gonna enjoy some Yuletide cheer while doing so).
We went to pick out our tree from the local home improvement store. And, I felt rushed. Which is NOT cool.
For those of you that may sport the faux tree, you probably don't fully understand the task of picking a real tree. I'm not knockin' you at all. I simply mean that if your tree is a little bare in one area, you can bend the metal infused branches and voila! Your tree is full!
For those of us that opt for alarge, moulting, dead tree (hmm, doesn't sound so magical when you put it that way) beautiful, crisp, pine-scented frazier- or douglas (I'm not a hater)- fir, finding a tree is the first battle of many that you fight.
Picking a tree? A LONG process, often involving multiple men to hold the 10-foot-trees side by side, turning, modeling, trading trees, moving to the 8 footers, turning, swapping, switching, looking, leaving, coming back, wash, rinse and repeat. That's the way I roll.
But, last night, not so much. The hubs insists that he was not trying to pressure me into "picking a stupid tree and leaving" (quotes mine). And, I believe him. However, even if it wasn't his intention to pressure me, his demeanor, along with the snotty-nosed whining kiddo that was trying to climb up her daddy's leg, caused me to make a hasty choice. Let me just add that it is a good thing that I had great friends in high school whose only "pressures" on me involved participating in some dumb skit (say, dancing to NKOTB on video) or buying matching shoes (yeah, I was a nerd.). Actually, who am I kidding? I love NKOTB even to this day.
Where was I? Oh, yeah. The tree. Which, is currently still on my front porch because I didn't get enough cleaned to bring it in last night. But, what's my point (I'm actually asking myself the same thing. Right.Now.)
The point is, as I was unpacking the Christmas tubs, I was thinking "what IN THE BEAUTIFUL WIDE WORLD convinced me that this was beautiful decoration? I'm not a fan." Last night, I felt ashamed to decorate my house with said decorations.
Like I said before, I LOVE my hubs. And he is totally a kid at heart, which warms my soul. Just the other night, he was laughing so hard at Home Alone, I seriously thought he was going to stop breathing. I really do love it. Many of our Christmas decorations reflect our youth, and the excitement that comes with the season. We have very colorful, glittery, Santas all over the house. We've got partially melted snowmen, nutcrackers, nativity scenes with little children as the characters (actually, now that I think about it, those are a little more disturbing than simply being tacky).
My tastes have changed. I think I'm finally growing up! I'm beginning to like classic decorations like burlap and lace. And white lights that don't blink. And having a CLEAN house! And Willow People, of course:

Beautiful, no? I like the simple things, without a lot of sparkles.
And I felt horribly guilty. Because I felt like it meant that I was not thankful for what I have. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE. Our current decor is very special to me, as it was collected during our first years of marriage and is very representative of where we were at the time. But, I think it's time I finally grew up. And, I understand that just like my tastes didn't change overnight, I'm not going to get where I want to be quickly either. I've got to look to a very wise man for direction:
So, I invite you to join me on this journey. This journey of shedding my glittery Santa figurines (along with my Aeropostal clothes, which, it happens to be pretty embarrassing when you are wearing the same shirt that one of your middle school students is wearing) and stepping into a more clean, classic holiday look. Basically, it's finally time for me to put on my big girl pants.
Shall we continue?
Before I start the post (I guess, technically, it's already started, but, just go with it), I should probably throw out a disclaimer. I love where I am right now in life. I love my husband more than the average high schooler is in love with Lil Wayne or Ke$ha (seriously? Ke$ha???). My daughter is a barrel on monkeys, and so much more fun. But...
So last night, we were busting out the Christmas decorations. I LOVE this time of the year (even if Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday and I refuse to move on to Christmas until the wishbone has been snapped and the football played, I LOVE this time of year). But, it wasn't cheerful. It wasn't full of our traditional "Elf" followed by rockin' some Christmas tunes, all while sprinkling holiday cheer all throughout the house, including the back of the toilet (yeah, that's right. If you're gonna sit on my toilet, you're gonna enjoy some Yuletide cheer while doing so).
We went to pick out our tree from the local home improvement store. And, I felt rushed. Which is NOT cool.
For those of you that may sport the faux tree, you probably don't fully understand the task of picking a real tree. I'm not knockin' you at all. I simply mean that if your tree is a little bare in one area, you can bend the metal infused branches and voila! Your tree is full!
For those of us that opt for a
Picking a tree? A LONG process, often involving multiple men to hold the 10-foot-trees side by side, turning, modeling, trading trees, moving to the 8 footers, turning, swapping, switching, looking, leaving, coming back, wash, rinse and repeat. That's the way I roll.
But, last night, not so much. The hubs insists that he was not trying to pressure me into "picking a stupid tree and leaving" (quotes mine). And, I believe him. However, even if it wasn't his intention to pressure me, his demeanor, along with the snotty-nosed whining kiddo that was trying to climb up her daddy's leg, caused me to make a hasty choice. Let me just add that it is a good thing that I had great friends in high school whose only "pressures" on me involved participating in some dumb skit (say, dancing to NKOTB on video) or buying matching shoes (yeah, I was a nerd.). Actually, who am I kidding? I love NKOTB even to this day.
Where was I? Oh, yeah. The tree. Which, is currently still on my front porch because I didn't get enough cleaned to bring it in last night. But, what's my point (I'm actually asking myself the same thing. Right.Now.)
The point is, as I was unpacking the Christmas tubs, I was thinking "what IN THE BEAUTIFUL WIDE WORLD convinced me that this was beautiful decoration? I'm not a fan." Last night, I felt ashamed to decorate my house with said decorations.
Like I said before, I LOVE my hubs. And he is totally a kid at heart, which warms my soul. Just the other night, he was laughing so hard at Home Alone, I seriously thought he was going to stop breathing. I really do love it. Many of our Christmas decorations reflect our youth, and the excitement that comes with the season. We have very colorful, glittery, Santas all over the house. We've got partially melted snowmen, nutcrackers, nativity scenes with little children as the characters (actually, now that I think about it, those are a little more disturbing than simply being tacky).
My tastes have changed. I think I'm finally growing up! I'm beginning to like classic decorations like burlap and lace. And white lights that don't blink. And having a CLEAN house! And Willow People, of course:
Beautiful, no? I like the simple things, without a lot of sparkles.
And I felt horribly guilty. Because I felt like it meant that I was not thankful for what I have. WHICH IS NOT THE CASE. Our current decor is very special to me, as it was collected during our first years of marriage and is very representative of where we were at the time. But, I think it's time I finally grew up. And, I understand that just like my tastes didn't change overnight, I'm not going to get where I want to be quickly either. I've got to look to a very wise man for direction:
I got it one piece at a time,
and it didn't cost me a dime.
Thank you so much for that advice, Johnny Cash. I'll take it (minus the whole stealing a car one piece at a time). Oh, and, I'll pay for it.
So, I invite you to join me on this journey. This journey of shedding my glittery Santa figurines (along with my Aeropostal clothes, which, it happens to be pretty embarrassing when you are wearing the same shirt that one of your middle school students is wearing) and stepping into a more clean, classic holiday look. Basically, it's finally time for me to put on my big girl pants.
Shall we continue?
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
This RARELY happens.
Ya'll, I'm at a loss. A loss for words. I don't have anything to write about. Maybe I should say I don't have anything to complain about!
The kiddo has slept the last two nights. I'm not counting my chickens before they've hatched, but this is a good start. She's been going down relatively easy, and sleeping right on until about 8:15! Fabulous, really. Only, I'm thinking it's a total fluke.
She didn't get to bed before 9 those nights. In fact, due to an office Christmas party that- as awesome as free dinner and a Christmas bonus is- went a little long. We're talking three hours, putting the kiddo in bed around 9:45.
Secondly, winter has hit with a vengeance. I'm talking 70 degrees on Thanksgiving, and 42 degrees less than a week later. We've also had two days of cold, pouring rain. Which means at 6:20, when the sun is normally peeking through the clouds and warming the cheeks of my little chipmunk, her room has remained drab and dim.
However, she hasn't been waking at midnight, which is where most of our troubles originated. Remember when I complained about her waking at 6:20? Well, I'll take it. As long as it means Ansley sleeps from the hours of 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.
AND, she's stayed in her bed those nights! Squee!!! But, like I said, I'm trying not to get too excited, because she can easily pull a fast one on me!
The kiddo has slept the last two nights. I'm not counting my chickens before they've hatched, but this is a good start. She's been going down relatively easy, and sleeping right on until about 8:15! Fabulous, really. Only, I'm thinking it's a total fluke.
She didn't get to bed before 9 those nights. In fact, due to an office Christmas party that- as awesome as free dinner and a Christmas bonus is- went a little long. We're talking three hours, putting the kiddo in bed around 9:45.
Secondly, winter has hit with a vengeance. I'm talking 70 degrees on Thanksgiving, and 42 degrees less than a week later. We've also had two days of cold, pouring rain. Which means at 6:20, when the sun is normally peeking through the clouds and warming the cheeks of my little chipmunk, her room has remained drab and dim.
However, she hasn't been waking at midnight, which is where most of our troubles originated. Remember when I complained about her waking at 6:20? Well, I'll take it. As long as it means Ansley sleeps from the hours of 12 a.m. to 4 a.m.
AND, she's stayed in her bed those nights! Squee!!! But, like I said, I'm trying not to get too excited, because she can easily pull a fast one on me!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Dear police department that employs my husband,
Could you BACK UP OFF, please?
Listen, I know you guys are understaffed. But that's what happens when you let 6 officers leave or get fired and you don't replace them!
My husband? He hates to leave people in a crunch. And I love that about him. But, 72 hours in a week? That is ridiculous. You may wonder why he is working so much. It's because your sergeants, who are ON CALL refuse to come in, leaving the hubs to take care of it all. You know, he has two days off a week. And when he volunteers to fill in on one of those, it doesn't mean that he's volunteering to fill in on that day for 8 months!
And when Thanksgiving is his day off, not something he asked for specifically, and you make him work it because somebody didn't double check the scheduling and scheduled someone who was out of town, that's your fault. You work it. Don't call my husband in because "you knew you could count on him." That's garbage. He's not even at the bottom of the totem pole!
Don't get me wrong. I am very thankful that my husband is employed. And I am so proud of the work he does. But right now, he's working on about 4 hours of sleep. He worked from 2 p.m. Saturday to 8 a.m. Sunday, and worked 2 p.m. Sunday to 8 a.m. today. And he's home now, taking care of our toddler. And he isn't sleeping! And he's supposed to go back in at 2? You're kidding me, right?
This is what I don't understand. How come when someone calls out, the hubs is the one stuck filling in, but if he tries to call out he's told "Nope. Sorry. We don't have anyone to cover for you."
I know I'm a little grumpy about it. But, you know what the worst part is?
Ansley sees less of her parents together than she sees us apart. And that just isn't cool.
So, would you kindly work something out? Hire some new people? Have your on-call people actually be on call? I miss my husband terribly, and I'm worried he's making himself sick. And that just can't be going on in my house. So use your title of Chief or Deputy Chief, flex those muscles, and do something about it, m'kay? I don't want to have to get ugly about it. That just isn't the right thing to do.
And, after all, I am a lady.
Could you BACK UP OFF, please?
Listen, I know you guys are understaffed. But that's what happens when you let 6 officers leave or get fired and you don't replace them!
My husband? He hates to leave people in a crunch. And I love that about him. But, 72 hours in a week? That is ridiculous. You may wonder why he is working so much. It's because your sergeants, who are ON CALL refuse to come in, leaving the hubs to take care of it all. You know, he has two days off a week. And when he volunteers to fill in on one of those, it doesn't mean that he's volunteering to fill in on that day for 8 months!
And when Thanksgiving is his day off, not something he asked for specifically, and you make him work it because somebody didn't double check the scheduling and scheduled someone who was out of town, that's your fault. You work it. Don't call my husband in because "you knew you could count on him." That's garbage. He's not even at the bottom of the totem pole!
Don't get me wrong. I am very thankful that my husband is employed. And I am so proud of the work he does. But right now, he's working on about 4 hours of sleep. He worked from 2 p.m. Saturday to 8 a.m. Sunday, and worked 2 p.m. Sunday to 8 a.m. today. And he's home now, taking care of our toddler. And he isn't sleeping! And he's supposed to go back in at 2? You're kidding me, right?
This is what I don't understand. How come when someone calls out, the hubs is the one stuck filling in, but if he tries to call out he's told "Nope. Sorry. We don't have anyone to cover for you."
I know I'm a little grumpy about it. But, you know what the worst part is?
Ansley sees less of her parents together than she sees us apart. And that just isn't cool.
So, would you kindly work something out? Hire some new people? Have your on-call people actually be on call? I miss my husband terribly, and I'm worried he's making himself sick. And that just can't be going on in my house. So use your title of Chief or Deputy Chief, flex those muscles, and do something about it, m'kay? I don't want to have to get ugly about it. That just isn't the right thing to do.
And, after all, I am a lady.
Yet another blog about a giveaway
Are ya'll getting tired of this yet??
Here's the thing. There is a chance that by YOU reading this, you could win something awesome. So, really, I'm helping you out.
Have you ever been at someones house and they have these really cool almost painting like image on their walls? Sometimes they are phrases, or quotes, or silhouette-like images?
I always want those, because I think it is one step closer to making me "current" and "trendy," but can never find anything I like (in other words, anything the hubs would let me put on our walls). But, how awesome would it be for me to make it?
disclaimer: I always want to make things. I have good intentions. However, I seem to be lacking on the follow through. Hence, the numerous half-knitted blankets and scarves, almost finished Christmas wreaths, and several hair bow projects in the works.
Check this out: Decorchick! has an awesome giveaway going on right now! Plus, she's offering a pretty fantastic discount code if you HAVE TO HAVE one of these.
It's a silhouette machine. And it makes things like this:

and, this:

::Swoon:: I really want. Not because it will make me cool, but because with it, I can make cool things. And then, when people come over to my house and say "Wow, that's cool! Where did you get it?" I can go all Proverbs 31 on 'em and tell them I MADE it. With blood, sweat and tears.
Because when I make things, even with a handy machine, it always comes to blood, sweat and tears. But, I promise I won't get any of that on anything I make for you. Maybe that's why I have so many unfinished projects. Hmm.
Anywho, head on over to Decor Chick and check out this giveaway! There are also tons of other cool crafty ideas for the really brave.
There you go. One more giveaway to help you out. I'm in a giving mood!
Here's the thing. There is a chance that by YOU reading this, you could win something awesome. So, really, I'm helping you out.
Have you ever been at someones house and they have these really cool almost painting like image on their walls? Sometimes they are phrases, or quotes, or silhouette-like images?
I always want those, because I think it is one step closer to making me "current" and "trendy," but can never find anything I like (in other words, anything the hubs would let me put on our walls). But, how awesome would it be for me to make it?
disclaimer: I always want to make things. I have good intentions. However, I seem to be lacking on the follow through. Hence, the numerous half-knitted blankets and scarves, almost finished Christmas wreaths, and several hair bow projects in the works.
Check this out: Decorchick! has an awesome giveaway going on right now! Plus, she's offering a pretty fantastic discount code if you HAVE TO HAVE one of these.
It's a silhouette machine. And it makes things like this:
and, this:
::Swoon:: I really want. Not because it will make me cool, but because with it, I can make cool things. And then, when people come over to my house and say "Wow, that's cool! Where did you get it?" I can go all Proverbs 31 on 'em and tell them I MADE it. With blood, sweat and tears.
Because when I make things, even with a handy machine, it always comes to blood, sweat and tears. But, I promise I won't get any of that on anything I make for you. Maybe that's why I have so many unfinished projects. Hmm.
Anywho, head on over to Decor Chick and check out this giveaway! There are also tons of other cool crafty ideas for the really brave.
There you go. One more giveaway to help you out. I'm in a giving mood!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
The giving of Thanks
Today is the day. The day where emergency room visits due to cuts increase tenfold, along with cholesterol and waistlines. It's the day that brings in the OFFICIAL start of the Christmas season (not Halloween).
It's Thanksgiving!
Today started early, with Ansley waking at 6. After crawling around in the bed, she finally fell asleep on my arm. We reawakened at 9, not cause of the kiddo, but because the pups needed a bathroom break.
I love playing hostess. I love cooking and opening my home. But that isn't what this day is about. It's about setting aside a special time just to realize how much we have to be thankful for. Though should we really only express our gratitude once a year?
No. But I must admit I struggle in that department. I don't let the hubs know how thankful I am for his willingness to work as he does to provide. I don't let my parents know that I'm thankful for them, because it has made me who I am.
I don't let other family members know how much they mean to me, and how thankful I am for the sacrifices they have made along the way.
I have so much to be thankful for, and I pray that every day I will realize just how many blessings I have. Even if one of the best ones has forgotten how to sleep.
Blessings to all, and a very happy holiday season!
It's Thanksgiving!
Today started early, with Ansley waking at 6. After crawling around in the bed, she finally fell asleep on my arm. We reawakened at 9, not cause of the kiddo, but because the pups needed a bathroom break.
I love playing hostess. I love cooking and opening my home. But that isn't what this day is about. It's about setting aside a special time just to realize how much we have to be thankful for. Though should we really only express our gratitude once a year?
No. But I must admit I struggle in that department. I don't let the hubs know how thankful I am for his willingness to work as he does to provide. I don't let my parents know that I'm thankful for them, because it has made me who I am.
I don't let other family members know how much they mean to me, and how thankful I am for the sacrifices they have made along the way.
I have so much to be thankful for, and I pray that every day I will realize just how many blessings I have. Even if one of the best ones has forgotten how to sleep.
Blessings to all, and a very happy holiday season!
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
I need help
In many ways.
So, you know how I won the MBS gift certificate? I have NO idea which picture to use, and even where to put it. I seriously want your help.
This post will include some possible photo options and locations for the artwork. I need you to leave me a comment telling me how to decorate my house.
This isn't www.birthornot.com, but it is an opportunity for you to make a difference which doesn't involve voting if a couple should keep or terminate their pregnancy.
These are the locations:
So, those are the possible locations. By default, I'm leaning toward over the fireplace in the living room, but think that would require a larger piece than the hubs may be willing to help pay for.
Now, theso-stinkin'-hard-I-actually-lost-sleep-last-night difficult part. The picture.

So, you know how I won the MBS gift certificate? I have NO idea which picture to use, and even where to put it. I seriously want your help.
This post will include some possible photo options and locations for the artwork. I need you to leave me a comment telling me how to decorate my house.
This isn't www.birthornot.com, but it is an opportunity for you to make a difference which doesn't involve voting if a couple should keep or terminate their pregnancy.
These are the locations:
This is the long, sad hallway leading to Ansley's room. It needs something. My concern with putting MB here? It won't be seen and oogled over enough. |
This is a spot in the dining room. It needed something, so I grabbed these little plaques, but they are so small, they kinda look lost in the mix. |
Still in the dining room, but should I move my bridal portrait? |
Another spot in the dining room. However, this spot is not visible from the living room. It does have some great lighting though. |
Now, the
A beautiful shot from our wedding. Except, hubs has a new ring now. |
A classic pic of my 3-week-old. My concern with having a pic of Ansley is that I'll have to get one for each kiddo. Which, I'm ok with. |
Ahh, me and the hubs. |
This one is kinda fun |
Classic pic on the beaches of Puerto Rico |
I simply love this picture. |
Hmm. Maybe I don't like this one afterall. |
If I pick a holiday specific picture, would it be ok to display it around the year? |
Yum. Flower. |
Beautiful picture, but nothing in my house is beachy. |
Same concern about being season specific. |
I like this, but don't like the carseat in the background. |
So, do you see my problem?? Please, suggest a picture. Make this easy for me. I wish I had a beautiful picture of mother/daughter, but I just don't. I don't like to be in pictures, and I'm beginning to realize that is a sad thing.
So, help me. Leave me a comment. Give me advice. Tell me I'm a meany for not having a beautiful print made for my parents. Just tell me which picture I should use!
The good, the bad, and the flippin' awesome!
Yesterday, I went to the grocery store to gather up the fixins for a spectacular Thanksgiving feast.
I opted to go to the store while on my lunch break, because that would save me the trouble of shopping with Ansley, which isn't as easy as it used to be (you know, back when you could put the carrier in the seat part of the buggy and they slept the whole time? Except, that was never really easy for me because I'm so short I couldn't see to push the thing).
Anywho, I ventured to the store, traversing through the wilderness that is our newly remodeled Walmart. Sweet potatoes, check. Ham, check (yes, my family eats both turkey and ham on Thanksgiving. We like our food, yo). Brown sugar, egg nog, new cups, and rolls. Check, check check and check.
I made it to the checkout, and as the cashier started doing her thing, I realized I had two things of egg nog. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I just realized I got two of these, and only needed one. Would you like me to take it back?" She said not to worry, that's what the strong young men were for. Then, it happened.
I started to get out my debit card. Hmm. Not in my wallet. I stopped to get gas this morning, so I probably just shoved it in my pocket. ::checks pockets, with increasing anxiety:: Hmm. Must be in the car.
"I'm sorry. You are totally going to hate me. But I think my debit card is in my car and I need to run out there super fast. I'll be right back."
By this time, people were starting to line up behind me. Luckily, having been a trackstar team member in high school, I got out to my car in a quick fashion. Only to realize that my debit card was not there.
No worries. That's why there's a checkbook.
Yep. It was out of checks. Isn't that spectacular? So, I had to go back into the store, and tell the cashier that I did not have the money to pay. There were people lined up behind me, I was turning every shade of red possible, and it was awful.
That meant my debit card had to be in one of two places: a local middle school gym, or the gas station.
After a quick call to both locations, which proved fruitless, I was left with one option: call the bank and cancel the card. And, you know what thought went through my head? This means that I'll have to have the hubs with me when I go shopping on Friday so he can pay... Needless to say I grabbed a checkbook as soon as I got home.
When I called the bank, I didn't know my account number. And when the teller asked me my address, I fumbled! I couldn't even remember my own address because I was still so flustered from the Walmart fiasco. After checking my drivers license and enjoying a few chuckles with the teller, we canceled my card and ordered another one.
I ventured back to Walmart last night, and despite removing the ingredients for a mocha cheesecake from my shopping list, I managed to spend about $2 more than I would have if my earlier trip had been successful. Hmm.
So, the flippin' awesome? Remember this?

Guess what??? I won the Modern Bird Studios giveaway from Harper's Happenings! I found out as I was rummaging through my car for a debit card. And, seriously, I almost peed my pants. I am so EXCITED to get an original piece from them.
Time to make a decision. Which picture??? Good thing the certificate doesn't expire for a year. Cause it may just take that long to make up my mind.
I opted to go to the store while on my lunch break, because that would save me the trouble of shopping with Ansley, which isn't as easy as it used to be (you know, back when you could put the carrier in the seat part of the buggy and they slept the whole time? Except, that was never really easy for me because I'm so short I couldn't see to push the thing).
Anywho, I ventured to the store, traversing through the wilderness that is our newly remodeled Walmart. Sweet potatoes, check. Ham, check (yes, my family eats both turkey and ham on Thanksgiving. We like our food, yo). Brown sugar, egg nog, new cups, and rolls. Check, check check and check.
I made it to the checkout, and as the cashier started doing her thing, I realized I had two things of egg nog. "I'm sorry, ma'am. I just realized I got two of these, and only needed one. Would you like me to take it back?" She said not to worry, that's what the strong young men were for. Then, it happened.
I started to get out my debit card. Hmm. Not in my wallet. I stopped to get gas this morning, so I probably just shoved it in my pocket. ::checks pockets, with increasing anxiety:: Hmm. Must be in the car.
"I'm sorry. You are totally going to hate me. But I think my debit card is in my car and I need to run out there super fast. I'll be right back."
By this time, people were starting to line up behind me. Luckily, having been a track
No worries. That's why there's a checkbook.
Yep. It was out of checks. Isn't that spectacular? So, I had to go back into the store, and tell the cashier that I did not have the money to pay. There were people lined up behind me, I was turning every shade of red possible, and it was awful.
That meant my debit card had to be in one of two places: a local middle school gym, or the gas station.
After a quick call to both locations, which proved fruitless, I was left with one option: call the bank and cancel the card. And, you know what thought went through my head? This means that I'll have to have the hubs with me when I go shopping on Friday so he can pay... Needless to say I grabbed a checkbook as soon as I got home.
When I called the bank, I didn't know my account number. And when the teller asked me my address, I fumbled! I couldn't even remember my own address because I was still so flustered from the Walmart fiasco. After checking my drivers license and enjoying a few chuckles with the teller, we canceled my card and ordered another one.
I ventured back to Walmart last night, and despite removing the ingredients for a mocha cheesecake from my shopping list, I managed to spend about $2 more than I would have if my earlier trip had been successful. Hmm.
So, the flippin' awesome? Remember this?
Guess what??? I won the Modern Bird Studios giveaway from Harper's Happenings! I found out as I was rummaging through my car for a debit card. And, seriously, I almost peed my pants. I am so EXCITED to get an original piece from them.
Time to make a decision. Which picture??? Good thing the certificate doesn't expire for a year. Cause it may just take that long to make up my mind.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Stepping out, pouring out, and throwing in
I am so bad, ya'll.
But, honestly, I feel like I'm a zombie walking through my days. Ansley has pretty much given up on sleeping through the night. And, truthfully, I'm too tired to care, which is visibly obvious.
1. I have circles under my eyes. The kind that can't be covered with make-up
2. My house is a wreck. Because when I finally do get the kiddo to bed, I put myself there to try and score a few minutes before she decides two hours is enough sleep for the night.
3. I have PILES of laundry, not only to wash, but to fold.
4. I'm battling a nasty headache, which happens to be the result of the kiddo sleeping in my bed last night since the hubs had to work 3rd shift as well.
5. We haven't been to church in 3 or 4 Sundays.
6. I have on black with brown today. Unreal.
See! I'm to tired to care about fashion rules. This is just unacceptable.
Sometime between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Sunday morning, while rocking Ansley, and bawling my eyes out, I must add, I said something that scared me. I thought to myself You know what? Maybe we should be done with this whole kid thing. I mean, we've tried it, we've had some good times, and some bad times. We should probably just stop here for our own wellbeing.
It's that bad. And it's making me and the hubs argue more, because we are both just so tired. Not that it justifies our sarcastic and snarky comments, but I just don't have the sense to keep things like that inside when I'm so dog tired.
But, we did step out this weekend. Saturday we went out for some pre-Christmas browsing. I decided I was going to try my hand at making some hairbows, and was pleasantly pleased with the outcome.
And, I bought Ansley this:

It is so much cuter on than it is in the picture. Actually, I really want one for myself. And, the best part? $4, at Target.
So, that's it. That's my weekend. Minus the part where Ansley and Bunker played a little rough and I freaked out and thought she needed stitches and really all she needed was cleaned up and a bandaid. But, hey, after suffering a serious dog bite myself, I'm a little sensitive to those type of injuries.
But, honestly, I feel like I'm a zombie walking through my days. Ansley has pretty much given up on sleeping through the night. And, truthfully, I'm too tired to care, which is visibly obvious.
1. I have circles under my eyes. The kind that can't be covered with make-up
2. My house is a wreck. Because when I finally do get the kiddo to bed, I put myself there to try and score a few minutes before she decides two hours is enough sleep for the night.
3. I have PILES of laundry, not only to wash, but to fold.
4. I'm battling a nasty headache, which happens to be the result of the kiddo sleeping in my bed last night since the hubs had to work 3rd shift as well.
5. We haven't been to church in 3 or 4 Sundays.
6. I have on black with brown today. Unreal.
See! I'm to tired to care about fashion rules. This is just unacceptable.
Sometime between 2 a.m. and 4 a.m. Sunday morning, while rocking Ansley, and bawling my eyes out, I must add, I said something that scared me. I thought to myself You know what? Maybe we should be done with this whole kid thing. I mean, we've tried it, we've had some good times, and some bad times. We should probably just stop here for our own wellbeing.
It's that bad. And it's making me and the hubs argue more, because we are both just so tired. Not that it justifies our sarcastic and snarky comments, but I just don't have the sense to keep things like that inside when I'm so dog tired.
But, we did step out this weekend. Saturday we went out for some pre-Christmas browsing. I decided I was going to try my hand at making some hairbows, and was pleasantly pleased with the outcome.
And, I bought Ansley this:
It is so much cuter on than it is in the picture. Actually, I really want one for myself. And, the best part? $4, at Target.
So, that's it. That's my weekend. Minus the part where Ansley and Bunker played a little rough and I freaked out and thought she needed stitches and really all she needed was cleaned up and a bandaid. But, hey, after suffering a serious dog bite myself, I'm a little sensitive to those type of injuries.
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Never crossed my mind.
Hubs: I don't really like these daipers.
Me: I know they are a little more expensive but they fit her better.
Hubs : No, I just don’t like the design.
Me: What’s wrong with the design?
Hubs: Pooh is sliding down a pole on the crotch of the diaper.
True story.
Me: I know they are a little more expensive but they fit her better.
Hubs : No, I just don’t like the design.
Me: What’s wrong with the design?
Hubs: Pooh is sliding down a pole on the crotch of the diaper.
True story.
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.5
Friday, November 19, 2010
Why the lists, yo?
When I'm frantically trying to calm the kiddo and clean the house and meet deadlines and just plain survive, I choose to write lists.
And, most times, it's pretty simple. I pick a topic, and just let the stream of consciousness flow. When it takes a little bit for another thing to come to mind, I end my list.
Which also means I just write. I don't tend to censor my thoughts. Which, can give you an honest look at the way my brain works, but maybe not an honest look at me. It also means that things are listed in no particular order, so if the hubs or kiddo happens to be not at the top, don't be a judger, m'kay?
So, as lists pop up, read away. But don't take any of it personally. Because chances are, I may not even remember I posted it.
Needing a post idea? Try making a list. It can be anything from a favorite food, to movies you couldn't live without (hmm. I may save that one for a rainy day!) Just pick a topic and write. Not only will it allow others to get to know you better, but you may learn something new about yourself!
And, most times, it's pretty simple. I pick a topic, and just let the stream of consciousness flow. When it takes a little bit for another thing to come to mind, I end my list.
Which also means I just write. I don't tend to censor my thoughts. Which, can give you an honest look at the way my brain works, but maybe not an honest look at me. It also means that things are listed in no particular order, so if the hubs or kiddo happens to be not at the top, don't be a judger, m'kay?
So, as lists pop up, read away. But don't take any of it personally. Because chances are, I may not even remember I posted it.
Needing a post idea? Try making a list. It can be anything from a favorite food, to movies you couldn't live without (hmm. I may save that one for a rainy day!) Just pick a topic and write. Not only will it allow others to get to know you better, but you may learn something new about yourself!
Thursday, November 18, 2010
...I'm proud of
My father and mother, Dad, for being the strength of our family, Mom, for teaching me the in-and-outs of mommyhood, and both of them for sticking with the other for almost 28 years now.
My sister, Crystal, for bucking the system and moving to a new place-across the country- with her hubs.
My other sis, Brandy, for working so hard and putting up with her husband :o)
My brother, for managing a job and school, and for always being willing to help out at home.
My husband, for working his butt off so me and the kiddo can have it pretty easy
My grandfather, for putting his life on the line and fighting for his country during WWII, and my grandmother, for supporting him from home
All those who serve our country in uniform: Soldiers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and those that support them at home
Volunteers at our office (even if they do occasionally sing Evanesence at the top of their lungs while sorting baby clothes)
People who break the cycle, and become more than what they came from
Parents of multiples
My bestie, for being willing to work multiple jobs to score an awesome camera (rather than putting it on plastic like I did with mine)
Another bestie, for patiently learning the ropes of having a nicu babe
Moms who finally make it our of the tunnel that is PPD
My in-laws, for raising such a wonderful son
Teenagers who encourage a handicapped kid to participate during class
... I'm not proud of
Lil' Wayne, because he is destroying our youth. Sorry to be a hater.
Cheaters (any kind- academic, political, personal)
Men who run away from the responsibilities of being a father
People who promise funding for 5 years and then withdraw it 3 years early
People who abuse animals
Teachers who are happy with tenure and don't care to teach
The creators and writers of "Family Guy"
People who don't own up to mistakes
Women who fall for any bum on the street because of "love," sacrificing all that is good for them
Teenagers who bully those who are different
My father and mother, Dad, for being the strength of our family, Mom, for teaching me the in-and-outs of mommyhood, and both of them for sticking with the other for almost 28 years now.
My sister, Crystal, for bucking the system and moving to a new place-across the country- with her hubs.
My other sis, Brandy, for working so hard and putting up with her husband :o)
My brother, for managing a job and school, and for always being willing to help out at home.
My husband, for working his butt off so me and the kiddo can have it pretty easy
My grandfather, for putting his life on the line and fighting for his country during WWII, and my grandmother, for supporting him from home
All those who serve our country in uniform: Soldiers, Police Officers, Fire Fighters, and those that support them at home
Volunteers at our office (even if they do occasionally sing Evanesence at the top of their lungs while sorting baby clothes)
People who break the cycle, and become more than what they came from
Parents of multiples
My bestie, for being willing to work multiple jobs to score an awesome camera (rather than putting it on plastic like I did with mine)
Another bestie, for patiently learning the ropes of having a nicu babe
Moms who finally make it our of the tunnel that is PPD
My in-laws, for raising such a wonderful son
Teenagers who encourage a handicapped kid to participate during class
... I'm not proud of
Lil' Wayne, because he is destroying our youth. Sorry to be a hater.
Cheaters (any kind- academic, political, personal)
Men who run away from the responsibilities of being a father
People who promise funding for 5 years and then withdraw it 3 years early
People who abuse animals
Teachers who are happy with tenure and don't care to teach
The creators and writers of "Family Guy"
People who don't own up to mistakes
Women who fall for any bum on the street because of "love," sacrificing all that is good for them
Teenagers who bully those who are different
Something is Coming Between Us
Me and the hubs, that is.
And it has light brown hair, blue eyes, an occasional snotty nose and is really stinkin' cute.
But I don't like it. Because I like snuggling with my hubs.
Ansley goes down for bed just fine. Beautifully, actually. And she sleeps for about 4 hours. But between midnight and 1 a.m., something really weird happens. She wakes up and starts crying. When I go in to comfort her, she's fine as long as I'm rocking her or bouncing her. But, even if she's sound asleep, as soon as I put her back in her crib, she wakes up. And then, it's like a little demon had joined us.
A few nights, we've decided to let her work it out on her own. Clean diaper, refusing milk, snuggled warmly, binkie and bear handy... but... no. A few nights ago, she screamed for ONE HOUR. One hour of pure torture for a momma who wanted to go scoop up her little girl. And after that hour, we still had to go calm her down. And, she ended up in our bed.
Last night? The hubs and I slept back to back. And the kiddo was in the middle. Not cool.
I love my kiddo. Dearly. But seriously, our bedroom is for us! The hubs and I have to fight for the time that we do get together, and 8 of those 10 hours a day are from 12 a.m. to 8 a.m.
I hoping this is just because she's teething. I hope so much, and pray that she isn't getting too attached to sleeping in the big bed, or on the couch with mommy, or in the recliner with mommy. Because those are all places we've had to sleep in the last few weeks.
All while the hubs slumbers soundly (normally) in the nice, comfy bed. We paid far too much for our mattress for me not to use it.
Maybe that's the problem. Do they make pillowtop crib mattresses?
And it has light brown hair, blue eyes, an occasional snotty nose and is really stinkin' cute.
But I don't like it. Because I like snuggling with my hubs.
Ansley goes down for bed just fine. Beautifully, actually. And she sleeps for about 4 hours. But between midnight and 1 a.m., something really weird happens. She wakes up and starts crying. When I go in to comfort her, she's fine as long as I'm rocking her or bouncing her. But, even if she's sound asleep, as soon as I put her back in her crib, she wakes up. And then, it's like a little demon had joined us.
A few nights, we've decided to let her work it out on her own. Clean diaper, refusing milk, snuggled warmly, binkie and bear handy... but... no. A few nights ago, she screamed for ONE HOUR. One hour of pure torture for a momma who wanted to go scoop up her little girl. And after that hour, we still had to go calm her down. And, she ended up in our bed.
Last night? The hubs and I slept back to back. And the kiddo was in the middle. Not cool.
I love my kiddo. Dearly. But seriously, our bedroom is for us! The hubs and I have to fight for the time that we do get together, and 8 of those 10 hours a day are from 12 a.m. to 8 a.m.
I hoping this is just because she's teething. I hope so much, and pray that she isn't getting too attached to sleeping in the big bed, or on the couch with mommy, or in the recliner with mommy. Because those are all places we've had to sleep in the last few weeks.
All while the hubs slumbers soundly (normally) in the nice, comfy bed. We paid far too much for our mattress for me not to use it.
Maybe that's the problem. Do they make pillowtop crib mattresses?
Ok. I promised I'd share.
So, how's it goin'?
Are you ready for Turkey Day, and the craziness that will follow on Friday? I love Black Friday. LOVE it. Last year, I scored my Nikon D3000 plus a telephoto lens for a great price. And I didn't even have to wait in line at 4 in the morning.
So, here's the thing. Because I love you all, and feel I should share the holiday goodness, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You ready for this? There are a ton of really cool things that will be given away that day. What does that mean? That means you can sit at your computer, sip your pumpkin spice latte, wear your fuzzy socks, skip the makeup and STILL get some awesome goodies.
So, here's a list for you to check out. I may or may not have entered them all.
Sweet Harper is celebrating the gift of homemade this year. Blankets, pillowcase dresses, all kinds of super cool things. And, the best part? She's doing one giveaway/feature a day until next week! That's so many giveaways, certainly you're bound to win something! Let me add, I'm a big fan of Sweet Harper. Not only is her kiddo super cute, but I won some halloween hair clippies a while back, and LOVE them. They stay perfectly secure in Ansley's fine baby hair.
Modern Bird Studios is something I've always coveted and lusted after. Check this out!

Is that not BEAUTIFUL?!? And, of course, they could do people pictures. I am seriously hoping to win one of these gift cards for Modern Bird Studios. I've got a picture picked out, and know exactly where it will be displayed. Right above the fireplace. Beautiful, no?
Anywho, Modern Bird is hosting two giveaways. Two $250 giftcards! I am pee-my-pants excited about that.
So, where are those giveaways? One is at Harper's Happenings. And the other? The Heir to Blair.
If that's not enough to tickle your fancy, I don't know what is! And, some entries are as simple as saying "Hey, I want that." You can get additional entries for tweeting, and blogging, and whatnot.
So, seriously. Check 'em out. It's really simple.
Are you ready for Turkey Day, and the craziness that will follow on Friday? I love Black Friday. LOVE it. Last year, I scored my Nikon D3000 plus a telephoto lens for a great price. And I didn't even have to wait in line at 4 in the morning.
So, here's the thing. Because I love you all, and feel I should share the holiday goodness, I'm going to let you in on a little secret. You ready for this? There are a ton of really cool things that will be given away that day. What does that mean? That means you can sit at your computer, sip your pumpkin spice latte, wear your fuzzy socks, skip the makeup and STILL get some awesome goodies.
So, here's a list for you to check out. I may or may not have entered them all.
Sweet Harper is celebrating the gift of homemade this year. Blankets, pillowcase dresses, all kinds of super cool things. And, the best part? She's doing one giveaway/feature a day until next week! That's so many giveaways, certainly you're bound to win something! Let me add, I'm a big fan of Sweet Harper. Not only is her kiddo super cute, but I won some halloween hair clippies a while back, and LOVE them. They stay perfectly secure in Ansley's fine baby hair.
Modern Bird Studios is something I've always coveted and lusted after. Check this out!
Is that not BEAUTIFUL?!? And, of course, they could do people pictures. I am seriously hoping to win one of these gift cards for Modern Bird Studios. I've got a picture picked out, and know exactly where it will be displayed. Right above the fireplace. Beautiful, no?
Anywho, Modern Bird is hosting two giveaways. Two $250 giftcards! I am pee-my-pants excited about that.
So, where are those giveaways? One is at Harper's Happenings. And the other? The Heir to Blair.
If that's not enough to tickle your fancy, I don't know what is! And, some entries are as simple as saying "Hey, I want that." You can get additional entries for tweeting, and blogging, and whatnot.
So, seriously. Check 'em out. It's really simple.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
I'm not embarrassed
Here's the thing. One great aspect of being a mommy blogger is that you are surrounded by other mommy bloggers who are far more experienced than you.
And, you know what experienced mommy bloggers do? Giveaways. You know what inexperienced mommy bloggers do? Enter those giveaways.
This isn't the first time I've entered a giveaway, or the first time I blogged about one. But, dude, you get an extra entry! And, when it comes to free stuff, why not take a few minutes to type up a little announcement about the giveaway (though, now that I think about it, is one extra entry worth all of you that may hop over and get your own 8 entries...hmm...)
Anywho, have you ever seen those super chic mommas that have a stroller that turns heads? Not simply a travel system, but the kind where they can simply push a button and the whole things unfolds like one of those self-inflating rafts?
Yeah. This is for one of those!

Look at this, in all of it's beauty! It's a Phil and Ted Explorer! Though the pic is shown as a double, it doesn't have to be! And, it comes with an infant carrier adapter, so it's a travel system! Is it not SO.STINKIN'.COOL?
I love my current umbrella stroller, but the sun shade isn't big enough to protect my little kiddo's baby skin. And this one? Look at that shade!
Listen. All the cool kids are doing it. You know you want to. So, hop over to cupcakeMAG for Littles and check it out. Enter if you must. And, hey, if you don't have a kiddo, maybe one day you will, or maybe you are a reader of this blog and you are deeply connected to a little girl named Ansley and you think she needs this. Just sayin'.
Check back for some other awesome giveaways (not by me, but by another read. I'm going to tell you about them and I won't even get an extra entry. Yeah, I share.)
And, you know what experienced mommy bloggers do? Giveaways. You know what inexperienced mommy bloggers do? Enter those giveaways.
This isn't the first time I've entered a giveaway, or the first time I blogged about one. But, dude, you get an extra entry! And, when it comes to free stuff, why not take a few minutes to type up a little announcement about the giveaway (though, now that I think about it, is one extra entry worth all of you that may hop over and get your own 8 entries...hmm...)
Anywho, have you ever seen those super chic mommas that have a stroller that turns heads? Not simply a travel system, but the kind where they can simply push a button and the whole things unfolds like one of those self-inflating rafts?
Yeah. This is for one of those!

Look at this, in all of it's beauty! It's a Phil and Ted Explorer! Though the pic is shown as a double, it doesn't have to be! And, it comes with an infant carrier adapter, so it's a travel system! Is it not SO.STINKIN'.COOL?
I love my current umbrella stroller, but the sun shade isn't big enough to protect my little kiddo's baby skin. And this one? Look at that shade!
Listen. All the cool kids are doing it. You know you want to. So, hop over to cupcakeMAG for Littles and check it out. Enter if you must. And, hey, if you don't have a kiddo, maybe one day you will, or maybe you are a reader of this blog and you are deeply connected to a little girl named Ansley and you think she needs this. Just sayin'.
Check back for some other awesome giveaways (not by me, but by another read. I'm going to tell you about them and I won't even get an extra entry. Yeah, I share.)
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Guess what ya'll?
What's the deal?
So, I've recently realized that some of my readers may have wondered this way in hopes of finding a blog about cooking with soy, and all the wonderful things you can do with it.
And, by now, you're probably so confused (if you are even still reading), and just keep sticking around because "I know she's going to mention SOMETHING. I just know it!" It's that whole too-far-in-to-turn-around scenario. I've got it. I follow.
Others of you think I am completely brilliant, coming up with such a genius play on words. Which is exactly what I've done. I'm not going to go into detail, but know that if you truly knew the story, you would want to be my bff for the awesomeness my blog title exudes.
I'm so sorry if you are disappointed, but I have never cooked with soy, and can't say that I ever intend to (except, maybe the occasional soy sauce. But, even then, I'd have to figure out what it is good for). You can turn around now. It's not about soy.
Sorry for the confusion.
And, by now, you're probably so confused (if you are even still reading), and just keep sticking around because "I know she's going to mention SOMETHING. I just know it!" It's that whole too-far-in-to-turn-around scenario. I've got it. I follow.
Others of you think I am completely brilliant, coming up with such a genius play on words. Which is exactly what I've done. I'm not going to go into detail, but know that if you truly knew the story, you would want to be my bff for the awesomeness my blog title exudes.
I'm so sorry if you are disappointed, but I have never cooked with soy, and can't say that I ever intend to (except, maybe the occasional soy sauce. But, even then, I'd have to figure out what it is good for). You can turn around now. It's not about soy.
Sorry for the confusion.
Monday, November 15, 2010
I'm not made of money (though I wouldn't mind it)
Dear Ansley,
I know these past few days, you've been feeling terribly sick. It's been coming out both ends, and I feel so very bad for you. You are welcome to snuggle in my lap as long as you want. I just have one suggestion.
When we switched you to Huggies diapers, it was because they fit you so much better as a walker. It wasn't because they were cuter, and it certainly wasn't because they are cheaper. Because they aren't. At.All.
Here's the thing kiddo. I know your tummy hurts. And I also know that you don't need to sit in a diaper that smells like a skunk sprayed something that is beyond dead. However, would you be kind enough to finish it all up at once, instead of waiting until momma has the clean diaper almost on? We're regularly doing 2 diapers during every 1.5 minute diaper change. That just isn't cool, kid.
And we can't go for the cheaper ones. Because your little bum is so very sensitive, and you get diaper rash. Bad. So, please, feel better soon little one. And poop all at once. Your parents will greatly appreciate it.
Hugsies and kisses!
I know these past few days, you've been feeling terribly sick. It's been coming out both ends, and I feel so very bad for you. You are welcome to snuggle in my lap as long as you want. I just have one suggestion.
When we switched you to Huggies diapers, it was because they fit you so much better as a walker. It wasn't because they were cuter, and it certainly wasn't because they are cheaper. Because they aren't. At.All.
Here's the thing kiddo. I know your tummy hurts. And I also know that you don't need to sit in a diaper that smells like a skunk sprayed something that is beyond dead. However, would you be kind enough to finish it all up at once, instead of waiting until momma has the clean diaper almost on? We're regularly doing 2 diapers during every 1.5 minute diaper change. That just isn't cool, kid.
And we can't go for the cheaper ones. Because your little bum is so very sensitive, and you get diaper rash. Bad. So, please, feel better soon little one. And poop all at once. Your parents will greatly appreciate it.
Hugsies and kisses!
Steppin' Out, sans kiddo
We had a great weekend! And, rather than steppin' out with Ansley, the hubs and I were able to go on a date (if eating and shopping counts as such).
So, here's the thing. I've got this awesome new phone, but I'm completely unable to use it. But, we snapped a quick picture before we left the hotel room (pardon my mess. Seriously.)
So, here's the thing. I've got this awesome new phone, but I'm completely unable to use it. But, we snapped a quick picture before we left the hotel room (pardon my mess. Seriously.)
Me: Pink tunic top, Old Navy Cardigan, Old Navy, last year Jeans, (you'll never guess) Old Navy Shoes, thrifted, but Target brand Motorola Droid 2, Verizon Wireless Hubs: Blue dress shirt, Sears Fleece vest, OCI, JC Penny Jeans, so old, I don't even know. Duckhead, I think Blackberry Storm, Verizon Wireless |
It was super fun to step out without the kiddo. We were able to enjoy some dinner, and spend some time at the mall (a great date for me, not so much for the hubs). And yes, I'm a shortie. I know. Normally, we don't have pictures like this because he is so.stinkin'.tall, and I'm, well, so.stinkin'.short. But alas, here is our height difference in all it's 14 inch glory.
And, Ansley? Well, she stepped out with the grandparents to Walmart and a soccer game, but I have no clue what she wore. I do know that she spent all day yesterday in pajamas because she was puking everywhere.
A great thing to return home to...
Friday, November 12, 2010
A big step
Tonight, the hubs and I are headed out of town for a weekend getaway. Sans kiddo.
I'm concerned. I'm excited. Anxious. Scared. Anticipating.
This won't be the first time I've been away from Ansley. A few months ago, the hubs had a week of training two hours away, actually in his hometown. So he took the babe to spend a week with the grandparents. It was difficult then, but at least she was with her daddy.
But this is the first time she's be away from both of us for more than a few hours.
The in-laws are coming to spend the weekend at our house, to feed the dogs, and, more importantly, Ansley. We'll be just an hour away, and plan to be back early afternoon Sunday. I know everything will be perfect, and it will be a great time for the in-laws (as long as the kiddo keeps sleeping in, and doesn't revert back to her 6:30 wake up).
And, we'll have fun. And, we need it. Because no matter how much we invest in Ansley, if we aren't investing in our marriage, it does no good.
So, wish us luck! And if you hear groaning, it's probably because the in-laws are accustomed to central time, so Ansley waking at 6:30 is really 5:30 to them. And they may not like that too much.
I'm concerned. I'm excited. Anxious. Scared. Anticipating.
This won't be the first time I've been away from Ansley. A few months ago, the hubs had a week of training two hours away, actually in his hometown. So he took the babe to spend a week with the grandparents. It was difficult then, but at least she was with her daddy.
But this is the first time she's be away from both of us for more than a few hours.
The in-laws are coming to spend the weekend at our house, to feed the dogs, and, more importantly, Ansley. We'll be just an hour away, and plan to be back early afternoon Sunday. I know everything will be perfect, and it will be a great time for the in-laws (as long as the kiddo keeps sleeping in, and doesn't revert back to her 6:30 wake up).
And, we'll have fun. And, we need it. Because no matter how much we invest in Ansley, if we aren't investing in our marriage, it does no good.
So, wish us luck! And if you hear groaning, it's probably because the in-laws are accustomed to central time, so Ansley waking at 6:30 is really 5:30 to them. And they may not like that too much.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Some things...
I hate:
People being mean
not seeing my husband
when my dogs destroy stuff
people who bully
when Ansley is sick
cold toes
faded clothes
only having 3 channels, 2 of them garbage
my sister living in New Mexico
being frustrated with people
the current decor in one of the bathrooms at work
being late for work (maybe I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try, I can never seem to be on time)
cute shoes that are just a smidge too small
shrimp (really, all seafood, except fish. I like fish)
earrings that make my ears itch
I love:
warm breezes
fuzzy socks
my husband (these are in no particular order)
making a difference
my new phone
new clothes
hearing my daughter laugh
success stories of those who had fertility problems
willow people
chocolate milk
decorating for Christmas
watching Ansley play with the dogs
Panera Bread
reading a good book
taking pictures
People being mean
not seeing my husband
when my dogs destroy stuff
people who bully
when Ansley is sick
cold toes
faded clothes
only having 3 channels, 2 of them garbage
my sister living in New Mexico
being frustrated with people
the current decor in one of the bathrooms at work
being late for work (maybe I hate the fact that no matter how hard I try, I can never seem to be on time)
cute shoes that are just a smidge too small
shrimp (really, all seafood, except fish. I like fish)
earrings that make my ears itch
I love:
warm breezes
fuzzy socks
my husband (these are in no particular order)
making a difference
my new phone
new clothes
hearing my daughter laugh
success stories of those who had fertility problems
willow people
chocolate milk
decorating for Christmas
watching Ansley play with the dogs
Panera Bread
reading a good book
taking pictures
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Of course it would happen that way.
I know I have been complaining about Ansley waking at 6:30. And, for some of you, that's after you're on your way to work, and I realize that. So I'm sorry for complaining. But I don't have to be at work until 9!
Anywho, I have to admit. I was a little excited when I learned of the plan for today. The hubs is working 8 to 4 since he has training. The excitement was due to 2 things:
1. He would be home by 5, and we would get the evening together! Yay!
2. He would have to be up and moving by 6 a.m., roughly 30 minutes prior to Ansley's new wake-up time. And, since he was taking her with him, that meant he would have to get her up, leaving me to snooze cozily another hour and a half. Fabulous!
Of course, even the best laid plan can be skewed. My eyes this morning cracked open, and I looked at the clock. "Oh, wow. It's 7! Ansley is still asleep! Beautiful."
I rolled over, and just before my eyelids met in sweet sleep, I sat straight up. "Crap! The hubs isn't up either!"
I quickly woke him up so he could get a move on. I crawled out of bed so I could get the kiddo up. I thought for sure she would be sitting in her bed, playing with her glow worm. Instead, she was SOUND ASLEEP! So much so, that I had to pick her up to wake her. Simply saying her name was drowned by the glory of her dreamland.
So, I picked her up, and thankfully, she was happy. We had a diaper change, and I started to dress her. And, she wanted to cuddle. She kept hugging me and snuggling up to my chest and looking up at me and smiling. She didn't fight while getting dressed, and she even "helped" put her shoes on.
By the time the hubs made it out of the house, it was about 7:20. And you better believe I crawled back into bed. I didn't sleep, but I snuggled into the blankets. And, it was delish.
On a day that was to be normal, everything opposite happened. Ansley slept in, I had to get up, Paul was late, Ansley wanted to snuggle with me. Here's hoping for a repeat tomorrow!
Anywho, I have to admit. I was a little excited when I learned of the plan for today. The hubs is working 8 to 4 since he has training. The excitement was due to 2 things:
1. He would be home by 5, and we would get the evening together! Yay!
2. He would have to be up and moving by 6 a.m., roughly 30 minutes prior to Ansley's new wake-up time. And, since he was taking her with him, that meant he would have to get her up, leaving me to snooze cozily another hour and a half. Fabulous!
Of course, even the best laid plan can be skewed. My eyes this morning cracked open, and I looked at the clock. "Oh, wow. It's 7! Ansley is still asleep! Beautiful."
I rolled over, and just before my eyelids met in sweet sleep, I sat straight up. "Crap! The hubs isn't up either!"
I quickly woke him up so he could get a move on. I crawled out of bed so I could get the kiddo up. I thought for sure she would be sitting in her bed, playing with her glow worm. Instead, she was SOUND ASLEEP! So much so, that I had to pick her up to wake her. Simply saying her name was drowned by the glory of her dreamland.
So, I picked her up, and thankfully, she was happy. We had a diaper change, and I started to dress her. And, she wanted to cuddle. She kept hugging me and snuggling up to my chest and looking up at me and smiling. She didn't fight while getting dressed, and she even "helped" put her shoes on.
By the time the hubs made it out of the house, it was about 7:20. And you better believe I crawled back into bed. I didn't sleep, but I snuggled into the blankets. And, it was delish.
On a day that was to be normal, everything opposite happened. Ansley slept in, I had to get up, Paul was late, Ansley wanted to snuggle with me. Here's hoping for a repeat tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
I know, I know...
I didn't McFatty yesterday. I realized this while I was brushing my teeth last night, and I didn't care. But, I have a perfectly good reason.
Here's the thing. McFatty started as a way for me to join in with other bloggers, and share our weight loss/get healthy struggles. And, some are die hard. Committed. And, I'm, well, not.
I want to be healthy. Especially after struggling to get my blood pressure back under control after Ansley was born, I decided I wanted to do it naturally. Cut back on the sodium. Pretty much eliminate caffeine. Exercise more.
And I'm doing all those things. I've just decided I don't have to write about it. I've always been a small (in stature) person, and whenever I mention getting in shape or losing weight, inevitably, someone gives the the side eye. Because I'm small. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be healthy.
So, I'm tired of writing about it every week. And, I'm sure you're tired of reading about it. So, I resign.
Not from exercising more, but from writing about it all the flippin' time. If I have a breakthrough, then, yeah, maybe I'll write about it.
But, consider yourself free.
Here's the thing. McFatty started as a way for me to join in with other bloggers, and share our weight loss/get healthy struggles. And, some are die hard. Committed. And, I'm, well, not.
I want to be healthy. Especially after struggling to get my blood pressure back under control after Ansley was born, I decided I wanted to do it naturally. Cut back on the sodium. Pretty much eliminate caffeine. Exercise more.
And I'm doing all those things. I've just decided I don't have to write about it. I've always been a small (in stature) person, and whenever I mention getting in shape or losing weight, inevitably, someone gives the the side eye. Because I'm small. But that doesn't mean I don't want to be healthy.
So, I'm tired of writing about it every week. And, I'm sure you're tired of reading about it. So, I resign.
Not from exercising more, but from writing about it all the flippin' time. If I have a breakthrough, then, yeah, maybe I'll write about it.
But, consider yourself free.
Monday, November 8, 2010
Steppin' Out, on Sunday
Saturday, I had to work. And I'm pretty sure you don't care to see my dark brown polo that I wear for work. So, instead, we stepped on on Sunday. Except, that didn't really happen either.
We skipped church because Ansley was still snotty, and I didn't think the other little kiddos would appreciate her new willingness to share (rather, the mommas probably wouldn't have appreciated it). We planned on heading out for Chinese food after church, but little missy decided she was going to whine and cry, so we opted to bring the food home.
All this to say I spent the day in a pair of super comfy fleece yoga pants which I snagged from the free box on my dorm hall while in college. And a shirt from Target. Once again, I'm not pictured (I totally promise I'll start being on the other side of the camera. For realz).
I totally love this shirt! And, it was my full intent to artfully write in "double" right over the "rainbows", so it said "double rainbows," but opted against it, seeing as how most people would simply look at me like a weirdo.
We skipped church because Ansley was still snotty, and I didn't think the other little kiddos would appreciate her new willingness to share (rather, the mommas probably wouldn't have appreciated it). We planned on heading out for Chinese food after church, but little missy decided she was going to whine and cry, so we opted to bring the food home.
All this to say I spent the day in a pair of super comfy fleece yoga pants which I snagged from the free box on my dorm hall while in college. And a shirt from Target. Once again, I'm not pictured (I totally promise I'll start being on the other side of the camera. For realz).
Ansley bug, sick sick sickly "I live for rainbows" shirt, Old Navy Jean skirt, thrifted Black leggings, Walmart |
And this picture? Totally thanks to my new "I'm a cool person phone," my Droid2! It was time for the hubs to get an upgrade, and when he bought his blackberry, he got a phone free! Thank you, hubs!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Creating a monster
So, my child is sick. I know I have complained plenty about that, and my facebook friends and twitter peeps have heard enough. So, if you're one of those, you may want to stop reading now.
Anywho, the kiddo has had a runny nose for days now, and the only time it isn't running is when she's sleeping, and then it's more clogged than a shower drain in a girl's dorm. And, on top of it all, the little person decided that after 13 months sans teeth, she may as well just get 5 at a time. Lovely.
What exactly does this mean? It means that my dear, sweet, precious cutie pie has a red, sore nose, with snot seemingly cascading out, a chin covered in drool matched only in amount by what has managed to make it to the front of her shirt. My little girl that was so easily put down for naps and bed doesn't do that anymore. So, the result? She's been napping with me. In my bed. And I'm worried she may like it too much.
But, if we nap at the same time, she sleeps SO much better. We're talking, 2.5 hours as opposed to 20 minutes. And, in the mornings (thank you daylight savings time), she's been waking up at 6:45. And, seeing as how I believe life does not begin before 8 a.m. and a glass of milk, I put her back in bed with us. Where she uses us as a jungle gym (and I really don't get any extra sleep).
I know we'll break the habit. And, it probably won't be very difficult. The greatest thing? Ansley is staying the weekend with the grandparents while we enrich our marriage. So maybe that's when the habit will be broken.
I'm sorry, in-laws. I'm sorry.
Anywho, the kiddo has had a runny nose for days now, and the only time it isn't running is when she's sleeping, and then it's more clogged than a shower drain in a girl's dorm. And, on top of it all, the little person decided that after 13 months sans teeth, she may as well just get 5 at a time. Lovely.
What exactly does this mean? It means that my dear, sweet, precious cutie pie has a red, sore nose, with snot seemingly cascading out, a chin covered in drool matched only in amount by what has managed to make it to the front of her shirt. My little girl that was so easily put down for naps and bed doesn't do that anymore. So, the result? She's been napping with me. In my bed. And I'm worried she may like it too much.
But, if we nap at the same time, she sleeps SO much better. We're talking, 2.5 hours as opposed to 20 minutes. And, in the mornings (thank you daylight savings time), she's been waking up at 6:45. And, seeing as how I believe life does not begin before 8 a.m. and a glass of milk, I put her back in bed with us. Where she uses us as a jungle gym (and I really don't get any extra sleep).
I know we'll break the habit. And, it probably won't be very difficult. The greatest thing? Ansley is staying the weekend with the grandparents while we enrich our marriage. So maybe that's when the habit will be broken.
I'm sorry, in-laws. I'm sorry.
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Sweet Little Marissa
So, whilst reading one of my regular reads, I happened upon another blog about a beautiful little girl named Marissa.
Marissa was diagnosed with an infantile spasms, epileptic disorder, in 2008. Now, more than 2 years later, her family is seeking to raise awareness about the disorder.
Marissa's treatment includes intramuscular injected steroids. The steroids, with the consistency of warm toothpaste, cost nearly $28k each. Marissa has had 11 vials.
Can you imagine being given this diagnosis, and being told that your daughter, at just 3 months old, would have to fight for the rest of her life? And what about when you saw the price tag of that fight? You can't just throw in the towel. It's your child.
You can get a quick update here, and continue to follow their story.
Here's the thing. Why am I blogging about this? I fought over this for a period of time. I read the post on Harper's Happenings. Then, I followed the link to Marissa's blog. And I read. And I teared up. And I looked around.
The reason I fought about writing? It's because it's part of a giveaway. And by blogging about it, I have to say I honestly feel about this big.
And I deleted. And I rewrote things. And deleted some more. Even now as I sit at my computer, I struggle. Because I never want to be motivated by stuff.
And I came to a conclusion. I only have 20 readers. 20 people that may or may not check my blog every day. But, of those 20, several blog themselves. And they have different followers. And those followers have different followers (it's all very trickle downish). Why does Marissa's dad want people to blog about his little girl? Not because he's some big attention monger like (c'mon. let's be honest) the rest of us. It's because Marissa was diagnosed early. And the earlier this issue is caught, the better chance of receiving treatments that work. So he started blogging.
And, ya know what, since he started marissasbunny.com, 11 children have received an early diagnosis. That's 11 people facing an overwhelming battle, with 11 other pairs of shoulders to lean on. And maybe, just maybe, we'll help another family.
Maybe you can help in another way. Maybe instead of raising awareness by writing a blog post, you can hop on over to Marissa's blog and donate toward the monumental medical expenses the family is facing, especially with an upcoming surgery for Marissa.
You're within 7 handshakes of the entire world. Next time you shake a hand, why not think about how many people that's going to reach. And do something about it.
If you want to judge me, go ahead. I don't care. But while you're doing that, be sure to tell the recipient of that gossip about Marissa. You may be saving a life.
disclaimer: this post is counted as an entry for the iPad giveaway on marissasbunny.com. Hop over there and enter this stellar giveaway and leave Marissa a happy birthday message. It's coming up.
Marissa was diagnosed with an infantile spasms, epileptic disorder, in 2008. Now, more than 2 years later, her family is seeking to raise awareness about the disorder.
Marissa's treatment includes intramuscular injected steroids. The steroids, with the consistency of warm toothpaste, cost nearly $28k each. Marissa has had 11 vials.
Can you imagine being given this diagnosis, and being told that your daughter, at just 3 months old, would have to fight for the rest of her life? And what about when you saw the price tag of that fight? You can't just throw in the towel. It's your child.
You can get a quick update here, and continue to follow their story.
Here's the thing. Why am I blogging about this? I fought over this for a period of time. I read the post on Harper's Happenings. Then, I followed the link to Marissa's blog. And I read. And I teared up. And I looked around.
The reason I fought about writing? It's because it's part of a giveaway. And by blogging about it, I have to say I honestly feel about this big.
And I deleted. And I rewrote things. And deleted some more. Even now as I sit at my computer, I struggle. Because I never want to be motivated by stuff.
And I came to a conclusion. I only have 20 readers. 20 people that may or may not check my blog every day. But, of those 20, several blog themselves. And they have different followers. And those followers have different followers (it's all very trickle downish). Why does Marissa's dad want people to blog about his little girl? Not because he's some big attention monger like (c'mon. let's be honest) the rest of us. It's because Marissa was diagnosed early. And the earlier this issue is caught, the better chance of receiving treatments that work. So he started blogging.
And, ya know what, since he started marissasbunny.com, 11 children have received an early diagnosis. That's 11 people facing an overwhelming battle, with 11 other pairs of shoulders to lean on. And maybe, just maybe, we'll help another family.
Maybe you can help in another way. Maybe instead of raising awareness by writing a blog post, you can hop on over to Marissa's blog and donate toward the monumental medical expenses the family is facing, especially with an upcoming surgery for Marissa.
You're within 7 handshakes of the entire world. Next time you shake a hand, why not think about how many people that's going to reach. And do something about it.
If you want to judge me, go ahead. I don't care. But while you're doing that, be sure to tell the recipient of that gossip about Marissa. You may be saving a life.
disclaimer: this post is counted as an entry for the iPad giveaway on marissasbunny.com. Hop over there and enter this stellar giveaway and leave Marissa a happy birthday message. It's coming up.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
It's just one of those days.
You know, the type of day where you're struggling to stay awake.
And there is a light drizzle of rain outside, so it's constantly cloudy. And, it's November, so that means it's cold too.
And I just want to crawl into bed, heap on some blankets, and doze all afternoon. Because I'm tired. Physically, and mentally.
Despite this little cold thing going on, Ansley is in a surprisingly good mood. Until something happens. Like she falls. Or the dogs decide to run through her. And then the crying starts. And the whining. I can't handle whining. Cry all you want, but whining, different story.
And each and every night (with the exception of Friday), I'm by myself. I'm by myself to do dinner. And playtime. And bath time. And bedtime. And, it's just getting so.flippin'.old.
I am so thankful that I have a husband that is willing to work and provide for his family. Many people don't have that, and I can only imagine how much more difficult that is. But I don't like this whole "single parent" thing. I don't like that Ansley never really sees Mommy and Daddy at the same time.
And now, I switched to whining. And I hate that.
So, I suppose I'm left with simply one option: deal with it. Forget that the day is gloomy. It doesn't mean that I have to be. Make the best of evenings at home alone by drawing a warm bubble bath and grabbing the latest Sophie Kinsella novel (Mini-shoppaholic. omg. So hilarious. Even on the cloudiest of days). Eat pancakes for dinner. Watch TV without feeling guilty for doing it while the hubs is home.
I think if I look just slightly to the west, 10 degrees past the tall building with the weird windows, I may see some angel rays poking through the clouds. It, sometimes it sounds like Ansley's snorting laughter. Or looks like some half baked ice cream (which, I will admit. I have not partaken in the frozen goodness of such a thing in months! Except for that day a few weeks ago when I just needed one bite. And then put it back in the freezer two bites later.) Despite how minimal an amount, those angel rays are sunlight. And it does brighten the skies, even if ever so slightly.
Do you have any personal angle rays? Something that always manages to bring a smile to your face, not matter how many different shades of gray you happen to be wearing?
And there is a light drizzle of rain outside, so it's constantly cloudy. And, it's November, so that means it's cold too.
And I just want to crawl into bed, heap on some blankets, and doze all afternoon. Because I'm tired. Physically, and mentally.
Despite this little cold thing going on, Ansley is in a surprisingly good mood. Until something happens. Like she falls. Or the dogs decide to run through her. And then the crying starts. And the whining. I can't handle whining. Cry all you want, but whining, different story.
And each and every night (with the exception of Friday), I'm by myself. I'm by myself to do dinner. And playtime. And bath time. And bedtime. And, it's just getting so.flippin'.old.
I am so thankful that I have a husband that is willing to work and provide for his family. Many people don't have that, and I can only imagine how much more difficult that is. But I don't like this whole "single parent" thing. I don't like that Ansley never really sees Mommy and Daddy at the same time.
And now, I switched to whining. And I hate that.
So, I suppose I'm left with simply one option: deal with it. Forget that the day is gloomy. It doesn't mean that I have to be. Make the best of evenings at home alone by drawing a warm bubble bath and grabbing the latest Sophie Kinsella novel (Mini-shoppaholic. omg. So hilarious. Even on the cloudiest of days). Eat pancakes for dinner. Watch TV without feeling guilty for doing it while the hubs is home.
I think if I look just slightly to the west, 10 degrees past the tall building with the weird windows, I may see some angel rays poking through the clouds. It, sometimes it sounds like Ansley's snorting laughter. Or looks like some half baked ice cream (which, I will admit. I have not partaken in the frozen goodness of such a thing in months! Except for that day a few weeks ago when I just needed one bite. And then put it back in the freezer two bites later.) Despite how minimal an amount, those angel rays are sunlight. And it does brighten the skies, even if ever so slightly.
Do you have any personal angle rays? Something that always manages to bring a smile to your face, not matter how many different shades of gray you happen to be wearing?
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
She's the eighth dwarf. And she's my daughter.
She's sniffly. Snotty. And occasionally screams bloody murder. And she's unable to be calmed. Which makes her sniffly. And Snotty.
Is this teething, or something else I am entirely unprepared for?
::hides head under desk, hoping Dumpy the Dwarf transforms back into sweet little Ansley::
She's sniffly. Snotty. And occasionally screams bloody murder. And she's unable to be calmed. Which makes her sniffly. And Snotty.
Is this teething, or something else I am entirely unprepared for?
::hides head under desk, hoping Dumpy the Dwarf transforms back into sweet little Ansley::
Monday, November 1, 2010
We always dress this cool!
Considering we celebrated Halloween at a local fall festival on Saturday, our Steppin' Out pic will be quite monumental!

Pink sparkly shoes from Walmart (you've seen them before)
Elephant costume from Target (she was "Ansley hears a Who," but her fluff ball didn't seem to make it in the picture)
and the two constants, Binki, Mam pacifier from Walmart, with Playtex Binki clip
and Bear, a "Baby's first Christmas" lovie from K-Mart
Black with white polka dot leggings, Walmart
Knock-off Converse, also from Walmart
Jean mini skirt, ages old, originally from Goody's (Can you believe it! I am able to fit in it again! A little pick-me up that day)
Ghostbusters shirt, Walmart (I needed a costume, quick. Seeing as we don't have a Target closer than 45 minutes away, we have to deal with Walmart. Bleh.)
FAVORITE sunglasses, Old Navy
Special thanks to a bestie who snapped the photo. I didn't manage to take a single picture of the kiddo in her costume all day. I actually had to work the costume contest for the festival, so soon after this pic, Ansley was handed off to the Nana for her first round of Trick or Treating, resulting in a surprising amount of candy (which was then distributed to the 4 Trick or Treaters that left the festival with gobs and candy and came to my house and rang my doorbell DESPITE my porch and lamp post lights being off. Grr. I should have let them put Ansley back to sleep.)
Thursday, October 28, 2010
She Wanted ME!
This morning while getting ready for work, I heard Ansley stirring in her bed. Instead of running to grab her out of bed, I let her just play while I finished my hair.
Then came the begging. "MaMa? MAMA!" I went in, swept her up in my arms, at which point she started grabbing for that blasted bear. Once he was tucked safely under her arms, we made our way to my bedroom.
Paul, having worked late the night before, was still just a snoozing in bed. So, I put Ansley on the bed next to him and offered her the television remote to keep her company.
I changed, grabbed my stuff and started to leave. I kissed the hubs, gave the kiddo a kiss on the forehead and said "Bye bye Ansley! Mommy's got to go."
Without hesitation, Ansley climbed over Paul, reaching for me and starting to cry. I picked her up, got a big hug, but told her I had to leave.
When I put her back down, she started crying and trying to follow.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't normally take satisfaction in my daughter crying. I don't like it when she cries. I don't like leaving her when she is crying. But, these cries kinda made me smile inside, just a bit. She wanted me. She didn't want me to leave. And, considering she is probably the biggest Daddy's Girl I have evah seen, it was pretty spectacular.
Yeah, I feel like I've seen a double rainbow.
Then came the begging. "MaMa? MAMA!" I went in, swept her up in my arms, at which point she started grabbing for that blasted bear. Once he was tucked safely under her arms, we made our way to my bedroom.
Paul, having worked late the night before, was still just a snoozing in bed. So, I put Ansley on the bed next to him and offered her the television remote to keep her company.
I changed, grabbed my stuff and started to leave. I kissed the hubs, gave the kiddo a kiss on the forehead and said "Bye bye Ansley! Mommy's got to go."
Without hesitation, Ansley climbed over Paul, reaching for me and starting to cry. I picked her up, got a big hug, but told her I had to leave.
When I put her back down, she started crying and trying to follow.
Now, don't get me wrong. I don't normally take satisfaction in my daughter crying. I don't like it when she cries. I don't like leaving her when she is crying. But, these cries kinda made me smile inside, just a bit. She wanted me. She didn't want me to leave. And, considering she is probably the biggest Daddy's Girl I have evah seen, it was pretty spectacular.
Yeah, I feel like I've seen a double rainbow.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
I let my child eat McDonald's
And, frankly, she liked it. Of course, her favorite part was the French fries, so we paid special attention to that and only let her enjoy just a few.
It was her first Happy Meal. And, regardless of the fact that she will rarely *enjoy* another one, she had her first, and it was certainly a happy meal.
It was her first Happy Meal. And, regardless of the fact that she will rarely *enjoy* another one, she had her first, and it was certainly a happy meal.
Monday, October 25, 2010
A first
This weekend was possibly the best ever.

Friday, despite the hubs picking up an extra shift (like he really needs to, working 6 days a week) on Friday, we were able to meet my sister and her hubs for dinner. And, I did something I swore I would never do.
Now before your mind starts wandering to places it shouldn't, I must say that it was completely G-rated, and in no way or fashion could have gotten us kicked out of Sears. I've simply said for many, MANY years that I was totally against this, but, I found myself right in the thick of it, enjoying every second of it on Friday night.
I looked at Christmas decorations. And it isn't even Halloween.
I know, awful, right? I just couldn't help it. It was all twinkly and flashy, and so festive that I looked. And even talked about decorating. And even almost bought new decorations! And totally forgot that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!!
After doing what should be illegal until the fourth Friday in November, we went home and had an awful night with Ansley. Waking constantly, and not easily going back to sleep. Which, led to one of my fits of anxiousness, which, I may discuss later. Just know that once we got Ansley to sleep, Paul then had to work to get me calmed down.
Saturday was new and exciting, despite being exhausted from the night before. It was gorgeous outside, and our spontaneity from our dating days returned, and we decided to tailgate at the Tennessee/Alabama game, and eventually decided to stay for a most of the game.
Here are some pictures from our first UT game!
Ok, so I'm a total band geek and was most excited about the band. Nerd. |
Ansley's first tailgate! and a super cute bow from her aunt. |
I flippin' love.this.face. |
Investigating. No teeth at this point, but it poked a shiny little top through the next day. |
Rocky Top, you'll always be, home sweet home to me (even if you are having a horrible season). |
Ok, so, a ton of pictures, I KNOW! I'm so sorry, but I couldn't pick just one. So, if you don't want to look, just skip to the next post. Or, whatever. But you know you like it.
I'll have to put Sunday in a post of it's own. Because Saturday was just that awesome.
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